From Joanna:
As if it were yesterday, I remember creating my little colorful painting “masterpieces”in the backyard when I was 9 years old and then walking around the neighborhood convincing all of our neighbors to buy what I had created! I guess in looking back, you could say that both art and marketing have been in my blood since I was very young!
My desire to create something new, almost always starts with the color inspiration itself. There is something about color that draws me in and won’t let me go until I work it out. I always teach my students that unbelievable color combinations are everywhere if we can only train our eyes to see them. Certain colors or designs that we might see everyday, suddenly look fresh and totally new when put together into an unexpected combination. I love that!
These days we are loving our annual Block-of-the-Month programs so much and have continual Sew Alongs happening in our Facebook Group. The community in the group is so wonderful and I love spending time with the “Fig Tree Friends” in the group. I would love to have you join us there, search for “Fig Tree Quilts Friends” and request an invitation.
Check out all of our fabrics and products at, and for the latest happenings and all my inspiration photos and videos follow my Instagram, I am @figtreeandco and that’s where you will find me most days.
For current pattern and fabric introductions, tutorials and detailed sew along info, check out my blog “Fresh Figs”at
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